TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate a Partner’s Tax Realized and Recognized Gain or Loss on the Contribution of Noncash Property, and the Partnership’s Basis in the Contributed Property
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Tax Implications of Certain Transactions Between a Partner and a Partnership Such as Services Performed by a Partner
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate Changes in a Partner’s Basis from Recourse and Nonrecourse Partnership Debt Incurrent, Including Loans Made to the Partnership
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate Changes in a Partner’s Basis for Tax Purposes from Nonliquidating Distributions of Noncash Property
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate Changes to a Partner’s Basis in Partnership from Contributions of Noncash Property, Including Assumption of Debt
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Allocation of S Corporation Income After the Sale of a Shareholder’s Ownership Interest in the S Corporation for Tax Purposes
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Tax Realized, Recognized Gain or Loss, and Basis for Both an S Corporation and Shareholders on a Liquidating Distribution
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Tax Realized, Recognized Gain or Loss, and Basis for Both an S Corporation and Shareholders on a Nonliquidating Distribution of Noncash Property
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate a Shareholder’s Tax Realized, Recognized Gain or Loss, and Basis on the Contribution of Noncash Property to an S Corporation
TCP CPA Exam: Calculating the Impact on a Shareholder’s Debt Basis in an S Corporation for Tax Purposes Resulting from Loans Made to the S Corporation
TCP CPA Exam: Calculating the Impact to a Shareholder’s Stock Basis Resulting from Nonliquidating Distributions of Noncash Property
TCP CPA Exam: Calculating the Impact to a Shareholder’s Stock Basis of Noncash Property Contributions to an S Corporation
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Requirements Related to Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation, FDII, BEAT, and GILTI
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Difference Between a Foreign Branch and Foreign Subsidiary with Respect to Federal Income Taxation to a U.S. Corporation
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Concept of Permanent Establishment for a Corporation and the Activities That Would Create It
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Concept of a Controlled Foreign Corporation and the Impact on a U.S. Corporation’s Taxable Income
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Sourcing of Income for a Foreign Corporation with U.S. Operations, Including Federal Tax Withholding
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Taxable Income for a Consolidated Federal Form 1120, Including Elimination of Intercompany Transactions
TCP CPA Exam: How to Review Loan Documents to Determine the Tax Implications and Imputed Interest of a Loan Between a Shareholder and a C Corporation
TCP CPA Exam: Calculating the Treatment of the Cash Distributions to Shareholders in Excess of a C Corporation’s Current and Accumulated Earnings and Profits
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Tax Realized and Recognized Gain for Both a C Corporation and Shareholders on a Liquidating Distribution
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Tax Realized and Recognize Gain for Both a C Corporation and Shareholders on a Nonliquidating Distribution of Noncash Property
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate a Shareholder’s Tax Realized and Recognized Gain or Loss on Contributed Property to a C Corporation, and the Corporation’s Basis
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Amount of a C Corporation’s Capital Loss Utilized in the Current Year and the Related Carryforward or Carryback
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Amount of a C Corporation’s Net Operating Loss for a Given Year and the Related Carryforward or Carryback
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Limitations on the Use of Net Operating Losses When There is an Ownership Change
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Return on Investment for Different Investment Options Net of Tax Impact, Given a Specific Planning Scenario
TCP CPA Exam: How to Prepare a Schedule to Make Decisions on Selecting a Retirement Plan from Different Options Given a Specific Planning Scenario
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Implications of Legal Ownership of an Asset and Beneficiary Designations on an Estate and Its Beneficiaries
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding How Insurance is Used in Planning to Mitigate Risk, Including Life Insurance, Long-Term Care Insurance, and Umbrella Policies
TCP CPA Exam: How to Plan for Funding Post-Secondary Education Including Qualified Tuition Programs, Student Loans, Grants, and Scholarships
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Risks Associated with Different Investment Options Such as Equity Securities and Corporate and Municipal Bonds
TCP CPA Exam: How to Identify Potential Tax Savings From Gifting Ownership of Noncash Property to an Individual Given a Specific Planning Scenario
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Unified Transfer Tax System and How the Exclusions and Deductions Impact the Planning for Gifts and Gift Taxation
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding Allowable Gift Tax Deductions and Exclusions for Federal Gift Tax Purposes
TCP CPA Exam: How to Review an Individual’s Basis Schedules for a Pass-Through Entity to Assess Allocation of Loss for At-Risk Limitations and Passive Activity Rules
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Utilization of Suspended Losses on the Disposition of a Passive Activity for Tax Purposes
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Passive Activity Loss Limitations Given a Scenario, Including the Netting of Passive Activity Gains and Losses
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the At-Risk Loss Limitation Where an Individual Materially Participates, Including Pass-Through Entities and Rental Real Estate
TCP CPA Exam: How to Review an Individual’s Projected Income and Expenses to Determine Tax Implications and Provide Options to Minimize Tax Liability
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate the Potential Tax Savings When Donating Noncash Property to a Charitable Organization to Minimize an Individual’s Tax Liability
TCP CPA Exam: How to Calculate Estimated Tax Payments for an Individual to Avoid Underpayment Penalties Given a Specific Planning Scenario
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Impact of Using Either Itemized Deductions vs the Standard Deduction for Planning Purposes Given a Specific Scenario
TCP CPA Exam: Identify Projected Tax Savings Through Utilization of FSAs and HSAs for Planning Purposes Given a Specific Scenario
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Effect of Changing Tax Rates and Legislation on the Timing of Income and Expense Items for Planning Purposes Given Specific Scenarios
TCP CPA Exam: How Certain Items of Gross Income Such as Imputed Interest on Below-Market Loans or Compensation Earned Outside the U.S. Affects an Individual’s Taxable Income
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Items Included in Determination and Computation of Alternative Minimum Taxable Income
TCP CPA Exam: Understanding the Impact of Equity Compensation Awards on an Individual’s Taxable Income
ISC CPA Exam: How to Determine the Appropriate Form and Content of a Report on the Examination of Controls at a Service Organization Related to a SOC Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: How to Prepare Results of Testing of Controls to be Included in the SOC 2 Report of the Test of a Control
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Types of Opinions and Report Modifications When Deficiencies Have Been Identified in a SOC Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Carve-Out vs the Inclusive Method of Reporting on CSOCs in a SOC Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: How to Perform Procedures to Identify Subsequent Events That Could Require Disclosure Related to a SOC 1 or SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: How to Prepare a Comparison of Management’s System Description to Suitable Criteria in a SOC 1 or SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: How to Obtain an Understanding of How a Service Organization Provides Its Users Information on How to Report on a System Subject to a SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: How to Obtain an Understanding of the System Addressed by a SOC 2 Engagement, Including the Boundaries of the System
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding Requirements About Obtaining Management’s Written Representations in a SOC 1 or SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Purpose of Complementary User Entity Controls (CUECs) Identified by Service Organization Management in their System Description
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Description Criteria for Management’s Description of an Entity’s Cybersecurity Risk Management Program
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Purpose and Common Sections of a System Description Subject to SOC 1 or SOC 2 Engagements
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Impact of Subsequently Discovered Facts on a SOC 1 or SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding Service Commitments and System Requirements in a SOC 2 Engagement and How They Correspond to the Trust Services Criteria
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Considerations for Deciding Between and Use of, the Inclusive and Carve-Out Method for Subservice Organizations and CSOCs
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Risk Assessment Requirements for a Service Organization and the Service Auditor
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding How Materiality is Determined and Used in Performing a SOC 1 or SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Independence Considerations Between the Service Auditor, Service Organization, and Subservice Organizations
ISC CPA Exam: How to Identify Management Assertions Specific to the Different Categories and Types of SOC Engagements
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Types of Subject Matters a Practitioner May be Engaged to Report on Using the Trust Services Criteria
ISC CPA Exams: How to Perform Procedures to Test Whether the Entity Responded to Cybersecurity Incidents in Accordance with the Incident Response Plan
ISC CPA Exam: Understanding the Use of Insurance as a Mitigation Strategy for a Security Incident or Data Breach
ISC CPA Exams: How to Perform a Walkthrough of an Organization’s Procedures Related to Confidentiality and Privacy and Compare with Documented Policies
ISC CPA Exam: Detecting Deficiencies in the Operation of Controls in a Service Organization’s Service Commitments and Systems in a SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: Determining Controls and Data Management Practices to Securely Collect, Process, Store, Transmit, and Delete Confidential Data
ISC CPA Exam: Methods for the Protection of Data During the Design, Development, Testing, and Implementation of Applications Using Confidential Data
ISC CPA Exam: How to Detect Deficiencies in the Operation of Controls in an Organization’s Commitments and Requirements in a SOC 2 Engagement
ISC CPA Exam: How to Perform a Walkthrough of an Organization’s Procedures Relevant to IT Security and Compare with the Documented Policies
ISC CPA Exam: How to Provide Input into a Security Assessment Report by Documenting the Issues, Findings, and Recommendations Identified After Performing Test of Controls