Here’s a list of links to some of our helpful CPA exam resources:
Wondering where to start with SuperfastCPA? Or how we can help you pass faster?
The best place to start is watching one of our free CPA study strategy webinars… In this training we walk through the 6 strategies that every winning study process needs to have, and once these are part of your daily & weekly process, it’s literally hard to go wrong.
How to Learn the “Questions-First” Strategy?
Our philosophy is that you should spend 90% of your study time doing exactly what you’ll be doing on test day (insane idea right?), instead of endlessly watching video lectures and highlighting the textbook. These free MCQ walkthrough videos give you free practice questions, with each one having a video walkthrough on how to solve it.
“Does SuperfastCPA Really Work??”
We have about 150 podcast interviews from some of our past customers here, and then a “wall” of success stories from emails or forum posts here…
The interviews are incredibly helpful because as you listen to several interviews, you’ll start noticing patterns that all successful CPA candidates have in common. You’ll also hear so many examples of mistakes to avoid, mindset and motivation tips & strategies, and of course very specific tips and strategies on the CPA study process.
These interviews are so helpful that it’s one of the main things we recommend to all new customers, even though they’re free to listen to on any podcast platform. So make sure to subscribe the podcast and start working your way through the interviews today!