Make Your Study Process Easier and more effective with SuperfastCPA
Give Yourself an Easier Way to Pass Your CPA Exams...
The CPA Exams are really hard. Studying consistently is really hard. SuperfastCPA makes it much easier, by helping your study be more effective & efficient.
If you want help to:
Perfect your study process

Then you need:
SuperfastCPA PRO
Your review course is like a huge piece of furniture from IKEA… all the parts are in the box, but it’s up to you to figure out how to put them together, which takes a lot of time through trial and error.
SuperfastCPA PRO is like having a set of videos that walks you through exactly how to put everything in the box together, as effectively as possible and in the shortest amount of time.
These are the exact strategies (now more refined and polished), that Nate used to pass all 4 CPA exams in 3 months, while working full-time, and that thousands of other CPA candidates have also now used to make the study process easier, and pass their CPA exams faster (see some of the reviews below).
SuperfastCPA PRO includes:
- 13 walkthrough videos
- PRO discussion forum
- Slides and worksheets from videos
- MCQ strategy walkthrough video
- SIM strategy walkthrough video
- Works with any review course
Understand & simplify the material

Then you need:
Study Tools Bundle
The top 2 challenges that all CPA candidates struggle with is 1) understanding and making sense of the material, and 2) finding enough time to study.
The SuperfastCPA study tools help you solve both.
Our review notes, audios, and quizzes help you cover the most-tested topics over and over, while being extremely simple and easy to understand. We make the complex simple, which is why most of our customers use the review notes during their main study sessions along with their review course.
Also, everything works right in the companion app, so that you can use the study tools all throughout your day, so that now waiting in line, your lunch break, walking across the office, and driving in your car can all be turned into highly effective study time, so that you learn & understand the material quicker, and in turn score higher and pass your exams faster.
Study Tools Bundle includes:
- Review notes for all 4 sections
- Audio notes for all 4 sections
- Source document & audio files
- Mini quizzes for all 4 sections
- Simplified questions for on-the-go
- SuperfastCPA companion app access
Or both

Then you need:
The Total Bundle
With the Total Bundle, you will have the tools and strategies to make your study process much easier yet more effective, so that you pass your CPA exams as fast as possible.
You’ll take the PRO strategies and apply them to your main study sessions with your review course.
Then, you’ll also do as many “mini sessions” with the study tools as you can throughout the rest of your day. This helps you add in an extra 1-3 hours a day of high-quality study time, which typically translates to scoring 5-10+ points higher per section. Since the average failing score is between a 70-74, this helps you add extra “insurance” that you get a passing score.
The Total Bundle includes:
- The PRO course + study tools bundle
- Tools AND strategies to pass faster
- SuperfastCPA 60 Day Guarantee
- Lifetime access - never expires
- All future updates are FREE
- No never-ending subscription
Individual Sections Bundles
Here's What You're Getting When You Add SuperfastCPA to Your Study Routine...
Understand the Big Picture Fast
When you read the review notes or listen to the audio notes, you are getting an easy-to-understand overview of the most important concepts from each topic. At the same time, the notes provide walkthrough examples with round numbers and journal entries, so that you can go from concept to calculation to journal entry and understand how each part works. -
Repeat Reading & Listening = Rock-Solid Retention for Test Day
Forgetting what you studied weeks ago will just be a bad memory as you get repeat-exposure to the concepts from reading the review notes and listening to the audios on a daily basis. As the weeks go by, your retention and understanding of the material will get stronger and stronger so that you're at your peak by test day. -
Feel Confident and In Control, Instead of Lost & Overwhelmed
When you use the SFCPA study tools throughout your day, you are getting repeat exposure and coverage of what you're most likely to see on test day. And when you apply the Study Hacks strategies to your main study sessions, the study process will be simple and feel almost easy, because you know exactly how to slice through each lesson.
You might even start to enjoy the study process because there's no more confusion and you're now understanding and retaining what you study! -
Easily Review Anytime, Anywhere
The companion app makes its easy to have an effective "mini session" anytime, anywhere. Read the notes as you walk across the office, take a quiz while you're waiting for a planning meeting to start, and listen to the audios whenever you're in your car. All that extra time adds up and can easily get you 100+ extra hours of practice, which can easily add 15-20+ points to your score on test day. -
Get That 4th Passing Score! (and avoid failing sections)
This is what it's all about... all that daily practice WILL pay off.
Telling your S.O., friends, and co-workers that you're done will be one of the most enjoyable days of your life. The feeling of achievement and accomplishment is indescribable.
Who will you tell first? Where will you go that night to celebrate? (these are the real questions)
NOTE: This is all of course dependent on you using the materials daily as described. They can’t help you if you never use them. Passing the CPA exams is difficult and requires a lot of study time and dedication. The SuperfastCPA products provide an extremely easy and convenient way to pack in a ton of extra studying throughout your normal day… but again, if you aren’t using them, they can’t help you.
Real Users, Real Feedback, Real Results.
"I passed all 4 parts in about 5 months scoring in the 80s on each exam"
Hi Nate,
I want to let you know that I passed all four parts in about five months total! I scored in the 80s on each exam the first time! I followed your study protocol and relied on your notes to teach myself all of the material. Plus I worked full-time and still did my usual activities. Thank you very much for your work, I'm very glad I got it.

"I passed BEC in 3 weeks, REG in 3 weeks, and AUD last in 4 weeks. I definitely recommend SuperfastCPA"
After failing REG, I looked online for supplemental materials that could condense so much information in an effective way... I came across SuperfastCPA online, and I decided to purchase the material for REG, BEC, and AUD and try it.(had already passed FAR) I passed BEC in 3 weeks, then I re-took REG and passed REG in 3 weeks, then I took AUD last and passed in 4 weeks. I definitely recommend SuperfastCPA.

"I'm a CPA, I pretty much have every bit of that thanks to SuperfastCPA"
My name is Jared, and I'm a CPA. I pretty much have every bit of that thanks to SuperfastCPA. I highly recommend SuperfastCPA. I purchased the study materials and it was absolutely worth every penny!

"The SuperfastCPA notes have really made things so much easier, I really don't think I could have done it without it"
I work full-time as an accountant, and the SuperfastCPA notes have really made things so much easier. I've passed FAR and AUD, and I really don't think I could have done it without it.

"After using the review notes and audios, I passed my FAR and REG retakes back to back!"
I failed FAR and REG studying on my own, so I
purchased the SuperfastCPA Study Hacks
Course and the Notes & Audios. After following
the Study Hacks strategies and using the
review notes & audios, I passed my FAR and
REG retakes back to back!

"SuperfastCPA helped me cut my study time in half, helped with retention, and ultimately led me to passing scores"
I was in the library studying 6-7 hours a day, 7 days a week, without ANY success until I added SuperfastCPA. Their study supplements helped me cut my study time in half, helped me with retention, and ultimately led me to passing scores.

From failing 15 times to 3 consecutive passing scores...
Before using your supplement package I had sat and taken the exam 15 times scoring anywhere from a 68 to a 74....
As of today I passed BEC with a 76!
All I have left is REG and since I am a tax accountant and have your study materials... I am feeling very confident.
Thank you!

"SuperfastCPA was a critical piece in helping me pass the CPA exams... I recommend it to everyone out there!"
Superfast CPA was a critical piece in helping me pass the CPA exams. I struggled with remembering topics I covered weeks/months ago, and Nate’s strategy of cumulative quizzes was the solution. I also utilized the review notes extensively: reading, annotating, and continually re-reading all helped. I would read a topic in SuperfastCPA then would supplement with reading Roger CPA chapters and doing MCQs and SIMs. I recommend Superfast CPA to everyone out there!

Patrick B
"The app allowed me to utilize every moment of my day"
Hi Nate,
I just wanted to say thank you brother!! Your materials were a great resource in helping me pass the CPA exam!!
The audio notes were fantastic. The app was also great, and allowed me to utilize every moment of my day doing quizzes. I especially liked the 5 short question feature.
I work full time as a controller. Let me tell you, there aren't enough hours in a day when it comes to the CPA exam.
I just wanted to say thanks!! Passed all 4, DONE!!!

"It is the best purchase I have made for my CPA study dollar"
I got the review notes & audio notes. I was skeptical at first, I didn't think you could get the information you needed in that short of time... but I was pleasantly surprised... and hey, I passed. I can say this... it is the best purchase for my CPA study dollar I have made...

"I just passed FAR using SuperfastCPA... working 80 hours a week"
I just passed FAR using the SuperfastCPA notes & audios. I was working about 80 hours a week on a tough project so I would listen to the audios any spare chance I had... and I didn't think I was going to pass, but I did!

From a 73 to 91 on AUD using the SuperfastCPA notes & audios.
I first took the Audit exam and tried my very best but only scored a 73. I was pretty bummed and didn't want to go back through every single bit of my main review course, so I got the SuperfastCPA notes. It was really convenient to be able to listen to it while I was driving or doing anything that didn't require much brainpower. It worked out well because I ended up getting a 91 the next time I took the test.

"Before SuperfastCPA I was really struggling... After using SuperfastCPA I successfully pass, so I would highly recommend using SuperfastCPA"
Before using SuperfastCPA I was really struggling with watching videos, reading the book, jumping around with the practice questions in my prep course... it was just really confusing to me, there was so much content... I just didn't really know what to do. So after watching the Study Hacks videos, it really helped me focus and learn exactly how to study, when to study, and the best ways to study. After using SuperfastCPA I successfully passed... and so I would highly recommend using Nate's SuperfastCPA course.

"These notes helped me improve my REG score to a 79 from a 60 - this is coming from an auditor, so I was immediately sold and used them to pass my last two exams"
Thanks to the SuperfastCPA exam review notes I was able
to study on the go. I needed study materials to be readily
accessible and could be used at any time and in any
situation. Using the notes on my phone or the printed
version was super convenient. While studying for all of the
CPA exams I worked a full time job and have a young family
at home. These notes allowed me to squeeze any spare
time in with a quick refresher of relevant topics to the CPA
exam. I utilized these notes to pass 3 of my exams (REG,
AUD & BEC). These notes helped me improve my REG
score to 79 from 60 (the first time was taken without
the notes). This was the highest score for all of my
exams. This is coming from an auditor, so I was
immediately sold and utilized them to pass the last
two remaining exams. I am very grateful for these study
materials which helped me achieve a huge life goal!”

"You will pass the exams if you follow his strategies"
I was able to pass all 4 parts of the CPA exam using the SuperfastCPA materials. I think the most important part of the program is the strategy... These strategies helped me pass all 4 parts faster than most. Also, the notes were great. I always felt after a test that the notes helped me prepare, and they have the key information to reinforce the exam questions. All in all I recommend SuperfastCPA... you WILL pass the exams if you follow his strategies.

"I'm an avid believer in SuperfastCPA. I took REG and passed with an 85 the first time."
I'm an avid believer in SuperfastCPA... I took FAR 4 times and I did not use SuperfastCPA... I knew I didn't have 4 times to pass all the rest of them... I decided to look for a supplement to the material I already had, and I found SuperfastCPA. I ended up buying the notes... you can open them in the app so I could read them on my iPhone whenever I wanted... I'm super busy so having the notes on the go was super crucial on my next section... I took REG and I passed it the first time with an 85, and I think that using the notes was really the difference. I'm an avid believer in the notes... you should definitely purchase them!

"I would highly recommend making the investment in SuperfastCPA"
Before beginning the CPA I felt very overwhelmed with the amount of content that would be tested. I decided to purchase SuperfastCPA notes to supplement my review course. It really helped me retain the information I was learning. I passed REG and now I'm studying for FAR. I would highly recommend making the investment in SuperfastCPA.

"Using SuperfastCPA helped me narrow down what to focus on and helped largely with retention... buy the program because it's worth it"
Prior to using SuperfastCPA, I spent my study time going into a lot of detail and trying to study all the nitty gritty from
my review course... Then using the SuperfastCPA products helped me narrow down what to really focus
on, and it helped largely with retention... that was something I struggled with even in my undergrad. But as I followed the steps and strategies, my studying
became really effective. I guess my advice would be, buy
the program because it’s worth it, it will save you a lot of
time, and help you get through the exams. I know that anyone can do it, so go buy it!

"Listening to the SuperfastCPA audios is when my studying really took off. I've now passed FAR and REG and would recommend SuperfastCPA to anyone who is trying to pass the CPA exams"
I really struggled with the FAR and REG
sections, because the volume of information is
so immense. Listening to the SuperfastCPA
audio notes over and over is when my studying
really took off. They are presented in a simple
fashion so they are very easy to understand. I
have now successfully passed FAR and
REG and would definitely recommend
SuperfastCPA to anyone who is trying to
pass the CPA exams.

Andrew T
"The secret is to read the notes over and over... I used material from other sources and never passed until I got the SuperfastCPA notes"
My name is Amol and I want to thank Nate for the materials he's provided through SuperfastCPA... The secret is to read the notes over and over as many times as you can. That's what I did and I've cleared FAR and REG. I used material from other sources and never passed until I got his notes from SuperfastCPA. I'm very thankful for the notes because they helped me clear FAR after I had failed many times.

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have all 4 sections left, the Total Bundle is by far the best value. Then you’ll have the notes, the audio notes, and the mini-quizzes for all 4 sections, and all future versions are included for FREE, and your access lasts until you pass, no questions asked.
It also includes the full PRO course.
The SuperfastCPA products are supplemental.
The main idea is you’d still do a main study session each day with your review course… Gleim, Becker, Wiley, whatever it is. But… you’d follow the study strategies you’ll learn in the Study Hacks videos… those contain accelerated study strategies that help you focus on the most high-leverage ways of learning the most relevant information. And again, you take the strategies and apply them to your main study session with your main review course.
Then, you’d use our products to keep studying/reviewing through the rest of your day:
1) listen to our audios whenever you’re in your car
2) read the notes on the app whenever you have 5 minutes all through your day (whenever you’d normally scroll through social media – waiting in line, walking across the office, on your lunch break, etc)
If you do this daily, you’re adding an extra 1-2 hours or more of additional review, which can equal 100+ extra hours of studying by the time you take your test. 100 extra hours will add 10-20 points at least compared to just doing the one main session a day.
The first thing you’ll want to do after purchasing is watch the Study Hacks videos from start to finish. That will give you a crystal clear understanding of how to structure your main study sessions, mini sessions, and “final review” studying.
The basic format is 1) you’ll do a 2 hour main study session each weekday with your review course, but following the methods you’ll learn in the Study Hacks videos. Then you’ll do a longer session, 4-5 hours, on Saturdays and Sundays.
2) Through the rest of your day you’ll use the SuperfastCPA study tools as much as possible, what we call “mini-sessions”, for re-review, retention, and getting a base understanding of new topics.
Following this format consistently will give you much better results than by trying to do one 4-5 hour session all at once each day.
The PRO videos teach you one cohesive study process that you apply to your main daily study sessions with your review course. So whether that’s Becker, Roger, Wiley… etc, you would apply the PRO strategies when you study with your main review course. This is the exact study methodology that Nate, the founder of SuperfastCPA, used to pass all 4 sections in 3 months while working full-time in public accounting.
These videos will teach you how to have a 2-hour main session each day, but you’ll be getting through more material than someone studying 4-5 hours a day the “normal way” (i.e. watching every video lecture, reading every chapter, etc).
This process teaches you how to quickly figure out what the most-tested parts of each topic will be, how to quickly get a base understanding, and then how to build “re-review” into your daily routine so that you’re always spending some time hitting the topics you’ve already studied over and over… so that by the time you get to your exam your understanding and retention is at an all-time high instead of slowly forgetting the stuff you studied in the beginning.
There are a few reasons why the SFCPA products and strategies work so well at helping candidates pass and improve their scores. Let’s start with the basics: The formula for success on the CPA exams is that you need enough quality study time to learn the material well enough to get a passing score.
It’s not just a function of study time. There are a lot of people who have put a year of more into these exams without passing a section, let alone all 4. Not all study methods are equally effective, and most candidates spend 80%of their study time in the least-effective forms of study. On the other hand, most people would get completely different results simply by spending 80% of their study time on the most effective forms of studying, and that is exactly what you’ll learn in the Study Hacks videos. The time you do spend studying needs to be effective, and that’s exactly what the Study Hacks videos will teach you.
Then there’s the “time” factor. Most people figure out pretty quickly that it’s almost impossible to fit in quality study time each day, especially if you’re working full-time. The SFCPA study tools make it very easy and effective to add in a lot of extra study time, just by going through your normal day.
(this is assuming you still do a main study session each day, which ideally you’d do in the morning before work that lasts 90-120 minutes)
For example, listen to the audio notes on your drive to work, whenever you’re preparing meals, getting ready for the day, etc. That’s 1-2 hours already. Then, whenever you’d normally pull out your phone and look at social media or other time wasters, just read the review notes or take a few quizzes. If you do that consistently that’s another 1-2 hours of study time, and it’s very high impact study time as well. Then on your way home from work, listen to the audios some more… you can see this adds 3,4, or 5+ extra hours each day before you even get home from work. Over the course of an 6-8 week study plan, that’s 100+ hours of extra study time, and that kind of exposure obviously leads to increased understanding & retention, and increased test scores.
After you checkout, you’ll receive an email with your login details. Your login will work on the main site, and that same login info will work on the companion app, either on iPhone or Android.
The SuperfastCPA products are all digital, so nothing physical will be sent.
So, you’ll get immediate access to your purchase, and again the best thing to do first is to watch the Study Hacks videos once you login.