Why Record Reimbursed Expenses as Revenue?

Record Reimbursed Expenses as Revenue

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Record Reimbursed Expenses as Revenue

Typically, reimbursed expenses are not recorded as revenue because they are not earnings generated from the core business operations. Instead, they are amounts that the company has spent on behalf of a client or another party, and the client or party is merely paying the company back for those outlays.

However, in some cases, companies might present reimbursed expenses as revenue for various reasons:

  • Presentation Approach: In certain industries, it’s customary to present both the expense and the reimbursement as revenue. For instance, in some consulting arrangements, a consultant might bill the client for both service fees and out-of-pocket expenses. The entire billed amount, including reimbursed expenses, might be shown as revenue, with the associated costs presented as cost of sales or direct costs. This approach doesn’t change the net profit but does inflate the top-line revenue.
  • Simplification : For some small businesses or certain situations, it might be simpler to record the reimbursed expense as revenue, especially if the amounts are minor and the frequency is low.
  • Contractual Agreement: The method of recording might be stipulated in a contractual agreement. Some contracts might require that reimbursed costs be shown as revenue.
  • Tax or Regulatory Reasons: In certain jurisdictions, there might be tax or other regulatory reasons to present reimbursed expenses in a particular manner.
  • Misunderstanding or Error: It’s also possible that recording reimbursed expenses as revenue is done out of misunderstanding or error.

It’s essential to understand that regardless of how these are presented, the net income of the company remains the same. If reimbursed expenses are shown as revenue, then the corresponding expense should also be recognized, which offsets any increase in net income.

Accountants and financial professionals should ensure that they follow the appropriate accounting standards and guidelines in their jurisdiction. If reimbursed expenses are presented as revenue, it’s crucial to provide clear disclosure in the financial statements so that users (like investors, lenders, etc.) understand the nature of these amounts.

Example of Record Reimbursed Expenses as Revenue

Let’s take the example of a consulting firm, “ABC Consultants.

ABC Consultants had a contract with Client XYZ to provide consulting services for a project. As part of the agreement, any travel expenses that ABC Consultants incurred while working on the project would be reimbursed by Client XYZ.

Expenses Incurred: In one particular month, ABC Consultants incurred $5,000 in consulting fees and $1,000 in travel expenses for the project. The travel expenses were out-of-pocket costs that ABC Consultants paid on behalf of Client XYZ.

Accounting Treatment:

Option 1: Traditional Treatment (Not as Revenue)

  • Revenue: $5,000 (For consulting services)
  • Expenses: $1,000 (Travel expenses)
  • Receivable from Client XYZ: $6,000 (For consulting fees and reimbursement of travel expenses)

Option 2: Reimbursed Expenses Treated as Revenue

  • Revenue: $6,000 (Including $5,000 for consulting services and $1,000 as reimbursement for travel expenses)
  • Expenses: $1,000 (Travel expenses)
  • Receivable from Client XYZ: $6,000

Financial Effects:

In both options, the net income remains the same. However, in Option 2, the top-line revenue appears higher because it includes the reimbursed expenses.

Net Income in both options:

  • Revenue: $6,000 (or $5,000 in Option 1)
  • Less: Expenses: $1,000
  • Net Income: $5,000


From this example, you can see that treating reimbursed expenses as revenue increases the gross revenue but does not impact the net income or profit of the company. The main difference lies in presentation. If a company chooses to adopt Option 2, it should ensure that its stakeholders are aware of this treatment to avoid any misinterpretation of its financial statements.

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