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SuperfastCPA Solves the 2 Biggest Obstacles to Passing Your CPA Exams:

#1: Overwhelm and "How" to Study Effectively

Perfect your study process with SuperfastCPA PRO…

Your review course gives you the information you need to pass. But the problem is, “how” to effectively learn that information, in a short amount of time, without forgetting it so that you can pass on test day. The PRO course teaches you the “perfect 2-hour study session”: how to move through new lessons quickly and effectively, how to cut straight to the most testable information from each topic, ultra-effective retention strategies, how to deepen your understanding of all topics, the “active learning model”, and much more.

Learn the PRO study framework for FREE here…

#2: Staying Consistent & Not Enough Time to Study

Understand Topics Faster & Utilize “Mini-Sessions”

The main thing our customers like about our study tools, is that they are easier to understand than your full review course materials. This helps you get a quick “big picture” understanding of each topic so that you can understand the basics faster, which makes the full lessons in your review course easier to understand. Also, our tools all work right in the most easy-to-use app you’ve ever had, so that you can rack up extra study time all through the rest of your day, every time you look at your phone, which we call… “mini sessions”.

See how a 2-hour main session + “mini sessions” will help you pass…

Real Users, Real Feedback, Real Results.

"I passed all 4 parts in about 5 months scoring in the 80s on each exam"

Hi Nate, I want to let you know that I passed all four parts in about five months total! I scored in the 80s on each exam the first time! I followed your study protocol and relied on your notes to teach myself all of the material. Plus I worked full-time and still did my usual activities. Thank you very much for your work, I'm very glad I got it.

"I passed BEC in 3 weeks, REG in 3 weeks, and AUD last in 4 weeks. I definitely recommend SuperfastCPA"

After failing REG, I looked online for supplemental materials that could condense so much information in an effective way... I came across SuperfastCPA online, and I decided to purchase the material for REG, BEC, and AUD and try it.(had already passed FAR) I passed BEC in 3 weeks, then I re-took REG and passed REG in 3 weeks, then I took AUD last and passed in 4 weeks. I definitely recommend SuperfastCPA.

"I'm a CPA, I pretty much have every bit of that thanks to SuperfastCPA"

My name is Jared, and I'm a CPA. I pretty much have every bit of that thanks to SuperfastCPA. I highly recommend SuperfastCPA. I purchased the study materials and it was absolutely worth every penny!

"The SuperfastCPA notes have really made things so much easier, I really don't think I could have done it without it"

I work full-time as an accountant, and the SuperfastCPA notes have really made things so much easier. I've passed FAR and AUD, and I really don't think I could have done it without it.

"After using the review notes and audios, I passed my FAR and REG retakes back to back!"

I failed FAR and REG studying on my own, so I purchased the SuperfastCPA Study Hacks Course and the Notes & Audios. After following the Study Hacks strategies and using the review notes & audios, I passed my FAR and REG retakes back to back!

"SuperfastCPA helped me cut my study time in half, helped with retention, and ultimately led me to passing scores"

I was in the library studying 6-7 hours a day, 7 days a week, without ANY success until I added SuperfastCPA. Their study supplements helped me cut my study time in half, helped me with retention, and ultimately led me to passing scores.

From failing 15 times to 3 consecutive passing scores...

Nate, Before using your supplement package I had sat and taken the exam 15 times scoring anywhere from a 68 to a 74.... As of today I passed BEC with a 76! All I have left is REG and since I am a tax accountant and have your study materials... I am feeling very confident. Thank you!

"SuperfastCPA was a critical piece in helping me pass the CPA exams... I recommend it to everyone out there!"

Superfast CPA was a critical piece in helping me pass the CPA exams. I struggled with remembering topics I covered weeks/months ago, and Nate’s strategy of cumulative quizzes was the solution. I also utilized the review notes extensively: reading, annotating, and continually re-reading all helped. I would read a topic in SuperfastCPA then would supplement with reading Roger CPA chapters and doing MCQs and SIMs. I recommend Superfast CPA to everyone out there!
Patrick B

"The app allowed me to utilize every moment of my day"

Hi Nate, I just wanted to say thank you brother!! Your materials were a great resource in helping me pass the CPA exam!! The audio notes were fantastic. The app was also great, and allowed me to utilize every moment of my day doing quizzes. I especially liked the 5 short question feature. I work full time as a controller. Let me tell you, there aren't enough hours in a day when it comes to the CPA exam. I just wanted to say thanks!! Passed all 4, DONE!!!

"It is the best purchase I have made for my CPA study dollar"

I got the review notes & audio notes. I was skeptical at first, I didn't think you could get the information you needed in that short of time... but I was pleasantly surprised... and hey, I passed. I can say this... it is the best purchase for my CPA study dollar I have made...

"I just passed FAR using SuperfastCPA... working 80 hours a week"

I just passed FAR using the SuperfastCPA notes & audios. I was working about 80 hours a week on a tough project so I would listen to the audios any spare chance I had... and I didn't think I was going to pass, but I did!

From a 73 to 91 on AUD using the SuperfastCPA notes & audios.

I first took the Audit exam and tried my very best but only scored a 73. I was pretty bummed and didn't want to go back through every single bit of my main review course, so I got the SuperfastCPA notes. It was really convenient to be able to listen to it while I was driving or doing anything that didn't require much brainpower. It worked out well because I ended up getting a 91 the next time I took the test.

"Before SuperfastCPA I was really struggling... After using SuperfastCPA I successfully pass, so I would highly recommend using SuperfastCPA"

Before using SuperfastCPA I was really struggling with watching videos, reading the book, jumping around with the practice questions in my prep course... it was just really confusing to me, there was so much content... I just didn't really know what to do. So after watching the Study Hacks videos, it really helped me focus and learn exactly how to study, when to study, and the best ways to study. After using SuperfastCPA I successfully passed... and so I would highly recommend using Nate's SuperfastCPA course.

"These notes helped me improve my REG score to a 79 from a 60 - this is coming from an auditor, so I was immediately sold and used them to pass my last two exams"

Thanks to the SuperfastCPA exam review notes I was able to study on the go. I needed study materials to be readily accessible and could be used at any time and in any situation. Using the notes on my phone or the printed version was super convenient. While studying for all of the CPA exams I worked a full time job and have a young family at home. These notes allowed me to squeeze any spare time in with a quick refresher of relevant topics to the CPA exam. I utilized these notes to pass 3 of my exams (REG, AUD & BEC). These notes helped me improve my REG score to 79 from 60 (the first time was taken without the notes). This was the highest score for all of my exams. This is coming from an auditor, so I was immediately sold and utilized them to pass the last two remaining exams. I am very grateful for these study materials which helped me achieve a huge life goal!”

"You will pass the exams if you follow his strategies"

I was able to pass all 4 parts of the CPA exam using the SuperfastCPA materials. I think the most important part of the program is the strategy... These strategies helped me pass all 4 parts faster than most. Also, the notes were great. I always felt after a test that the notes helped me prepare, and they have the key information to reinforce the exam questions. All in all I recommend SuperfastCPA... you WILL pass the exams if you follow his strategies.

"I'm an avid believer in SuperfastCPA. I took REG and passed with an 85 the first time."

I'm an avid believer in SuperfastCPA... I took FAR 4 times and I did not use SuperfastCPA... I knew I didn't have 4 times to pass all the rest of them... I decided to look for a supplement to the material I already had, and I found SuperfastCPA. I ended up buying the notes... you can open them in the app so I could read them on my iPhone whenever I wanted... I'm super busy so having the notes on the go was super crucial on my next section... I took REG and I passed it the first time with an 85, and I think that using the notes was really the difference. I'm an avid believer in the notes... you should definitely purchase them!

"I would highly recommend making the investment in SuperfastCPA"

Before beginning the CPA I felt very overwhelmed with the amount of content that would be tested. I decided to purchase SuperfastCPA notes to supplement my review course. It really helped me retain the information I was learning. I passed REG and now I'm studying for FAR. I would highly recommend making the investment in SuperfastCPA.

"Using SuperfastCPA helped me narrow down what to focus on and helped largely with retention... buy the program because it's worth it"

Prior to using SuperfastCPA, I spent my study time going into a lot of detail and trying to study all the nitty gritty from my review course... Then using the SuperfastCPA products helped me narrow down what to really focus on, and it helped largely with retention... that was something I struggled with even in my undergrad. But as I followed the steps and strategies, my studying became really effective. I guess my advice would be, buy the program because it’s worth it, it will save you a lot of time, and help you get through the exams. I know that anyone can do it, so go buy it!

"Listening to the SuperfastCPA audios is when my studying really took off. I've now passed FAR and REG and would recommend SuperfastCPA to anyone who is trying to pass the CPA exams"

I really struggled with the FAR and REG sections, because the volume of information is so immense. Listening to the SuperfastCPA audio notes over and over is when my studying really took off. They are presented in a simple fashion so they are very easy to understand. I have now successfully passed FAR and REG and would definitely recommend SuperfastCPA to anyone who is trying to pass the CPA exams.
Andrew T

"The secret is to read the notes over and over... I used material from other sources and never passed until I got the SuperfastCPA notes"

My name is Amol and I want to thank Nate for the materials he's provided through SuperfastCPA... The secret is to read the notes over and over as many times as you can. That's what I did and I've cleared FAR and REG. I used material from other sources and never passed until I got his notes from SuperfastCPA. I'm very thankful for the notes because they helped me clear FAR after I had failed many times.