South Dakota CPA Exam Requirements 2025: Essential Information

South Dakota CPA Exam Requirements

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South Dakota CPA Exam Requirements

If you want to become a CPA in South Dakota, we’ve summarized the South Dakota CPA exam requirements. Read below to know the exact steps and needs to be a licensed CPA in Mount Rushmore State.

How to Save Yourself MONTHS of Time and Frustration
Keep in mind that the CPA exam is the one part of getting your CPA license that you can control how long it takes. The education and experience requirements take as long as they take, but the CPA exams can take you as little as 6 months, or as long as multiple years… depending on how effective your study process is from the beginning.
Learn how to study strategically so you can save yourself tons of time and retake fees with this free training…

Summary of South Dakota CPA Requirements

Credit Hours to sit for the CPA Exam150
Credit Hours in Accounting including Elementary Principles of Accounting to sit for the CPA Exam24
Credit Hours in Business other than Accounting to sit for the CPA Exam24
Bachelor’s Required to sit for the CPA Exam?Yes
Ethics Exam Required?Yes
Work Experience Required1 – 3 Years
Required CPE Hours Every Three Years120

General Requirements

The state does not require in-state residency for licensure nor requires you to be a U.S. citizen; the Social Security number is optional. You must also declare any criminal convictions or license revocations from your past.

Education Requirement

To meet the South Dakota CPA education requirements, candidates need to acquire a bachelor’s or graduate degree in accounting or a course of study that is the equivalent of an accounting degree with 150-semester credits that includes 24 semester hours in accounting including elementary principles of accounting and at least one course each in intermediate or advanced accounting, auditing, taxation and cost accounting; and 24 semester hours in business courses other than accounting.

Credit Requirements for South Dakota CPA License

With a conventional bachelor’s degree in accounting consisting of only 120 semester hours, pursuing a post-baccalaureate certificate or master’s degree in accounting is the most tried and established approach to obtain those 30 more credits.

Many of these programs are entirely online. You can also locate specialized five-year CPA track programs that offer a hybrid bachelor’s and master’s curriculum tailored to provide you with the 150 semester hours required to achieve South Dakota CPA requirements.

All candidates must finish at least 24 semester hours of accounting courses, including a system on basic accounting principles.

Accepted Educational Institutions

The first step is to check that your college or university is accredited by a South Dakota Board of Accountancy-recognized agency. If it is not, your credits will not transfer to a license, and you will have to retake classes. In this case, seek clarification from your academic advisor. The Board is looking for the following accreditation agencies:

Coursework taken at a two-year college is admissible if it is regionally certified, as are courses taken at an online college if it is regionally approved.

If you attended a non-accredited college or university, your credits would be accepted if and only if the following conditions are met:

  • You were accepted into a graduate-level business program at a recognized college.
  • Your institution wasn’t accredited at the time of your education but was certified at the time of application, given that their graduation requirements were substantially similar before receiving accreditation.
  • You complete 15 semester/22 quarter hours, including nine semester/13 quarter hours in accounting through an accredited institution after earning your bachelor’s degree

Required Courses

Meet the CPA degree and program requirements in South Dakota. The 150 semester hours (225 quarter hours) of college education must contain the following courses through a combination of your bachelor’s program and graduate courses or credits acquired as part of a certificate achieved concurrently or separately from your degree:

24 semester hours in accounting, including these courses:

  • Intermediate/advanced accounting
  • Auditing
  • Taxation
  • Cost Accounting

24 semester hours in business-related courses that may include:

  • Business Law
  • Economics
  • Business Communications
  • Corporate Finance
  • Marketing
  • Management

Foreign Education

If you studied abroad in the United States, contact one of the foreign transcript review firms listed below:

The evaluation agency will subsequently submit initial evaluations for final approval to the South Dakota Board of Accountancy.

South Dakota Uniform CPA Examination

Applying for the CPA Exam

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy administers the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Uniform CPA Exam, required for a CPA license in all 50 states (NASBA). After completing the 150 hours of college education, candidates must submit the Uniform CPA Initial Examination Application to the Board.

Candidates who have not finished the required 150 hours of a college education may apply within 100 days of their expected completion date. The application must be accompanied by official transcripts from each school attended. The Board shall notify the NASBA National Candidate Database of the Board’s eligibility judgment.

Studying for the CPA Exam

The CPA exam consists of the three core sections and candidates would need to select one of the three discipline to demonstrate deeper skills and knowledge, allowing candidates to choose a specialization. There is no set order in which the exam portions must be completed. The components of the CPA test are as follows:

  • Auditing and Attestation. This exam section covers the basics of financial and attest services, such as audits, reviews, compilations, and preparing agreements.
  • Financial Accounting and Reporting. This exam section covers financial accounting topics for all business entities, including the government and nonprofits.
  • Regulation. This exam section covers federal taxation, tax services, professional ethics, and business law for individuals and business entities.
  • Disciplines
    • Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR): Focused on financial reporting, data analytics, and performance management. This area is suitable for those who are interested in financial analysis and reporting. An extension of FAR core.
    • Information Systems and Controls (ISC): Concentrates on IT governance, data security, and system controls. Ideal for individuals who wish to specialize in IT audits and information security. An extension of AUD core.
    • Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP): Centers on personal financial planning and tax compliance for individuals, businesses, and other entities. Suitable for those with a strong interest in taxation and financial planning. An extension of REG core.

You may take the required test sections in any order, but you must pass all four sections of the Uniform CPA Examination within an 18-month period beginning on the date the first examination section completed was taken. All components must be passed within the 18-month term. Any exam taken outside of the 18-month timeframe will result in a loss of credit.

Choose a CPA Review Course

For years, review courses have pre-prepared professionals to pass the test. Almost every accountant who becomes a CPA uses a review program. In other words, they are an excellent investment. That’s why we gathered all the suggested CPA review courses:

  • Becker CPA Review
  • Surgent CPA Review
  • Gleim CPA Review
  • UWorld Roger CPA Review
  • Wiley CPAexcel

Submit the Uniform CPA Initial Examination

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy administers the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Uniform CPA Exam, required for a CPA license in all 50 states (NASBA). After completing the 150 hours of college education, candidates must submit the Uniform CPA Initial Examination Application to the Board.

Candidates who have not finished the required 150 hours of a college education may apply within 100 days of their expected completion date. The application must be accompanied by official transcripts from each school attended. The Board shall notify the NASBA National Candidate Database of the Board’s eligibility judgment.

Signing Up for the CPA Exam

You may register to take the Uniform CPA Exam if you are within 100 days of completing the South Dakota Board of Accountancy’s (SDBOA) educational prerequisites. Follow the instructions below:

a. Apply for the Uniform CPA Exam directly through SDBOA by downloading and completing the Initial Exam Application. Submit the following items with the application to SDBOA.

  • Official, sealed transcripts from the accredited institution where you earned credit.

Include the following items with your application, as applicable:

  • South Dakota Re-exam application if you had previously taken the exam as a South Dakota candidate
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodation form (contact the Board directly at 605-367-5770)

b. After your application has been approved and received by the SDBOA, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) will send you a payment coupon. The SDBOA’s approval process takes approximately one week. All examination fees must be paid directly to NASBA using this payment voucher. NASBA will send you a Notice to Schedule (NTS) for the exam once your money is received. You must bring the NTS with you on exam day.

c. Visit Prometric to schedule the exam. You need to prepare for the exam within one year of the NTS date. South Dakota testing centers are located in Sioux Falls and Rapid City.

d. Prepare for your chosen CPA exam section(s) and report to the test site on time. You can take up to four exam sections in one sitting.

The Candidate Bulletin is the official manual for those preparing to take the Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Examination. It discusses how to apply, when and how to schedule the examination, what rules apply at test centers, when to expect results, and what topics are covered in the study. It also contains information regarding the test structure, the roles and responsibilities of CPA Examination partners (the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA), and Prometric), and contact information for state boards of accountancy.

South Dakota CPA Exam Cost Breakdown

The South Dakota CPA exam cost consists of three main fees: the $292.64 per CPA exam section totaling $1,170.56 for all four sections, the CPA certificate application fee which depends on the day that you’ll apply, and lastly the renewal fee of $50.

Auditing and Attestation (AUD)$292.64
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)$292.64
Regulation (REG)$292.64
Disciplines (ISC, TCP, or BAR)$292.64
Total for all 4 CPA Exam Sections$1,170.56
CPA Certificate Application (August 1 – January 31)$50.00
CPA Certificate Application (February 1 – July 31)$25.00
Renewal Fee$50.00
Late Renewal Fee$100.00

Passing the CPA Exam

Once an Initial Examination Application has been approved, the candidate will be granted authorization to take the Uniform CPA Exam. Candidates will schedule and pay for the exam on the Prometric website, and ProMetric will provide exam results to the Board. To qualify for a license, all four exam components must be passed with a score of 75 or better within an 18-month rolling period.

South Dakota CPA Ethics Exam Requirements

To meet the South Dakota CPA ethics exam requirements, candidates will need to take and pass the course administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) titled Professional Ethics: The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Comprehensive Course (For Licensure). A candidate must pass the ethics exam with a minimum score of 90%.

South Dakota Experience Requirements

To meet the South Dakota CPA experience requirements, candidates have to acquire one year of experience that consists of full or part-time employment that extends over a period of no less than a year and no more than three years and includes no fewer than 2,000 hours of performance of services. This experience should include providing any type of service or advice involving the use of accounting, attestation, management advisory, financial advisory, tax or consulting skills. Acceptable experience may be gained through employment in government, industry, academia, or public practice where it must be verified by a licensee.

Supervisor Requirements

Complete the Certificate of Experience form, including the supervising CPA’s authorization signature. This will be submitted together with your first trial CPA certificate application. Once completed, you must submit the Certificate of Experience form to the board and your supervising CPA’s signature.

Apply for Your South Dakota CPA License

Submit Your Application for Issuance

Once all licensing requirements have been satisfied, the Application for the CPA Certificate can be filed to apply for a license. Unless otherwise requested, candidates are not required to resubmit transcripts. Candidates must submit proof of completion of the AICPA ethics course and exam and a Certificate of Experience, along with their application.

Receiving Your South Dakota CPA License

Applicants will get a CPA Certificate within 90 days of receiving their Uniform CPA Exam results after the application material has been reviewed and accepted by the Board.

You can apply for your CPA certificate if you have completed the exam, education, and experience criteria.

Here’s a rundown of everything you’ve done thus far:

a. Checklist

  • Satisfied the education requirements: A bachelor’s degree at minimum with 150 semester hours (225 quarter hours) of credit, including 24 semesters (36 quarter) hours in accounting subjects, 24 semesters (36 quarter) hours in business courses
  • Passed all sections of the Uniform CPA Exam
  • Passed the AICPA comprehensive professional ethics course
  • Gained the mandatory 2,000 hours of experience under the supervision of a licensed CPA

b. Download and fill out the Application for Initial CPA Certificate. Submit the application and Certificate of Experience form with the $50 fee to:

South Dakota Board of Accountancy
301 East 14th Street, Suite 200
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

c. Wait to receive the CPA certificate from the South Dakota Board of Accountancy

Interstate Reciprocal Certificate

If you want to have a principal place of business in South Dakota and are currently licensed in another state or jurisdiction, fill out the Application for Reciprocal Certificate and Authorization for the Interstate Exchange of Examination and Licensure Information fold a license from a substantially equivalent state (SE). You. Possess a license from a state that is substantially equal (SE). You will receive a South Dakota certificate confirming that your current request is in good standing after your licensing board verifies it.

CPA Certificate by International Reciprocity

A foreign CPA or comparable designation from Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Hong Kong, or Mexico is required. You can apply for a South Dakota CPA credential through international reciprocity by taking the IQEX test administered by NASBA.

South Dakota Continuing Education Requirements

Continuing Education Requirements

In South Dakota, the CPA certificate must be renewed every three years. You must get 120 hours of CPE credits in a rolling three-year newsroom. If your permit was issued less than a year before the renewal date, you do not have any CPE requirements until the beginning of the news cycle. In any given year, the minimum credit requirement is 20 CPE credits. July 1st – June 30th is the reporting period.

CPE credits must meet the following criteria:

  • A maximum of 60 CPE credits are allowed for teaching accounting-related courses in any three-year renewal period.
  • Up to 24 hours of CPE credits specific to behavioral and motivational courses are allowed in each three year renewal period

Record Retention for CPEs

You must keep the following CPE records forfour4 years:

  • Name and address of CPE sponsor
  • Title and description of the content
  • Dates of program
  • Location of program, and
  • Number of credits earned

Renewal freeway is $50 for on-time applications and $100 for late applications. If you used a CPE provider listed in the National Registry, online renewal or the hardcopy Record of CPE form could be done here or the hard copy Record of CPE form. If you gained CPE through a channel other than those named, use the Non-Sponsor CPE Form form.

Annual CPA License Renewal in South Dakota

CPA licenses in South Dakota must be renewed annually between July 1 and June 30. CPE (continuing professional education) hours should be documented on the renewal form. Licensees must complete 120 hours of continuing education every three years, with a minimum of 20 CPE hours completed per year.

Instead of every three years, the 120-hour requirement is determined by rolling. As a result, when the current year is added to the previous two years, licensees must have completed 120 hours. For more information regarding the license renewal, you can visit the South Dakota board’s website.

South Dakota CPA Exam F.A.Q.s

Here are some commonly asked questions regarding South Dakota’s CPA exam and CPA licensure requirements.

Do CPA scores expire in South Dakota?

A candidate must apply for a certificate within three years of taking the CPA exam, according to the Board. The exam application expires after three years, and exam grades are annulled unless the applicant can demonstrate to the Board good cause for not applying within the three-year term.

What are the requirements to sit for the CPA exam in South Dakota?

CPA candidates must have completed 150 semester hours of college education, including a bachelor’s or graduate degree in accounting or a substantial equivalent. All candidates must finish at least 24 semester hours of accounting courses, including a system on basic accounting principles to sit for the exam.

How do I register to take the CPA exam in South Dakota?

The NASBA suggests making appointments at least 45 days before the date you want to take the exam (s). Within five business days of receiving your application, the Board will process it and transmit the relevant information to NASBA. To arrange the exam, call the Candidate Services Call Center at 800.580.9648 or use Prometric’s online scheduling tool.

How many accounting credits do you need to sit for the CPA license in South Dakota?

The South Dakota Board of Accountancy requires all CPA applicants to have a bachelor’s degree or higher and 150 semester college credit hours.

Does South Dakota require an ethics exam for the CPA?

The South Dakota CPA credential requires successful completion of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) “Professional Ethics: The AICPA’s Comprehensive Course.” The AICPA can help you order the ethics course.

How much is the CPA exam in South Dakota?

In South Dakota, taking all four portions of the CPA test costs $1,139.20.

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