How to Become a CPA in Rhode Island 2025

How to Become a CPA in Rhode Island

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If you’re wondering how to become a CPA in Rhode Island, we’ve organized the Rhode Island CPA exam requirements below.

1. Meet the Education Requirements to Sit for the CPA Exam.

To meet the Rhode Island requirements to sit for the CPA exam, the Rhode Island CPA education requirements must be attained first. For Rhode Island applicants, you will need a minimum of 150 semester hours for your licensure, although you can sit for the CPA exam after completing 120 hours and obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

2. Apply for the Uniform CPA Exam

According to Rhode Island’s Board of Accountancy standards, you can take the Uniform CPA Exam after earning a bachelor’s degree and 120 of the 150 total semester credit hours. Wait for the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy to send you your Notification to Schedule (NTS).

3. Pay for the Uniform CPA Exam

In Rhode Island, the cost of taking all four sections of the CPA test is $1,422.56, plus a $93 education evaluation application fee.

Click here to see a breakdown of the Rhode Island CPA exam costs.

4. Notice to Schedule (NTS)

Wait for the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy to send you your Notification to Schedule (NTS). To schedule your exam, go to Prometric’s website. Warwick and Cumberland are two Rhode Island testing centers.

5. Pass the Uniform CPA Exam

The CPA exam consists of the three core sections and candidates would need to select one of the three discipline to demonstrate deeper skills and knowledge, allowing candidates to choose a specialization. There is no set order in which the exam portions must be completed. You must pass each section with a score of 75 or higher within 18 months.

6. Gain Necessary Experience

To meet the Rhode Island CPA experience requirements, the Board requires aspiring CPAs to have one year of experience (equal to 1,820 hours). The internship must be overseen by a professional CPA or public accountant. Work in general practice, government, industry, or academia (upper-division collegiate courses only) may be combined to meet the experience requirement. More information on the Board’s experience criteria can be found on the Board’s website.

7. Ethics Requirement

After passing the CPA exam, the candidate must also meet the Rhode Island CPA ethics exam requirements by passing the AICPA ethics course and exam. This self-study course is available for purchase on the AICPA website. To satisfy license criteria in Rhode Island, an exam score of at least 90% is required.

8. Apply for a CPA License

After NASBA has forwarded the exam results to the Board, a candidate can apply for a license. The Board accepts applications for new CPA licenses via its e-licensing portal or through paper forms available on the Board’s website. The supervising CPA must send confirmation of the applicant’s supervised experience immediately to the Board using the forms provided.

9. CPA License Renewal

In Rhode Island, CPA licenses must be renewed every three years. Renewal notices are emailed, and licenses cannot be renewed until the email is received.

10. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

CPAs must complete 120 hours of continuing education during each renewal cycle, including at least six hours of ethics training.

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