How to Become a CPA in Oklahoma 2025

How to Become a CPA in Oklahoma

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If you’re wondering how to become a CPA in Oklahoma, we’ve organized the Oklahoma CPA exam requirements below.

1. Meet the Education Requirements to Sit for the CPA Exam

To meet the Oklahoma requirements to sit for the CPA exam, the Oklahoma CPA education requirements must be attained first.

For Oklahoma applicants, you must have a bachelor’s degree or higher and earned 120 semester hours with not less than 24 semester hours in accounting, above principles, and/or introductory accounting courses. One course must be in auditing or assurance, with a concentration on external auditing standards, including but not limited to Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS). Must also have at least 9 semester hours of upper-division business-related courses.

2. Apply for the CPA Exam

To apply for the CPA examination online, you need to create an account through Oklahoma Accountancy Board (AOB) website, then submit the completed qualification application along with a 2” x 2” passport-sized photo, a notarized  Affidavit Verifying Lawful Presence in the United States, transcripts, and a $75 application fee.

Click here to see a breakdown of the Oklahoma CPA exam costs.

3. Sign Up for the CPA Exam

Once your application is approved, the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) will send you a payment coupon and you must pay the exam fee. Upon payment completion, you will receive a Notice to Schedule (NTS), then you may visit the Prometric website to schedule your exam(s).

4. Pass the CPA Exam

The CPA exam consists of the three core sections and candidates would need to select one of the three discipline to demonstrate deeper skills and knowledge, allowing candidates to choose a specialization. There is no set order in which the exam portions must be completed. You must pass each section with a score of 75 or higher within 18 months.

5. Meet the Experience Requirements

To meet the Oklahoma CPA experience requirements, you need to complete at least 1800 hours of work experience in accounting. It can be Academia, Government, Industry, or Public Accounting.

6. Passing the Ethics Examination

7. Apply for your Oklahoma CPA License and Permit to Practice

Oklahoma is a two-tier state. This means that you must have a CPA certificate and permit to practice public accounting legally. You can only apply and register for the permit to practice upon submission of the following: a copy of the Certificate of Completion of the AICPA Ethics Examination with your score, CPE Certificate of Completion, and a $125 fee payable to the Oklahoma Accountancy Board.

8. Renew your Oklahoma CPA License Every Year

To maintain your Oklahoma CPA license, you will need to renew your license every year by completing the required amount of continuing professional education (CPE) hours. Oklahoma requires 120 hours of CPE within a three-year rolling period, including Ethics, and no less than 20 hours of continuing professional education shall be attended every year. Alongside the continuing professional education hours, an annual Ethics CPE is also required. You must earn four hours of professional ethics in each three-year rolling period. Only the Professional Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, 24th Edition (Rev. August 2008) by the California CPA Education Foundation may substitute for the AICPA Comprehensive Ethics Exam in Oklahoma.

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