
CPA Exam Secrets 1

“How to Cut Your Study Sessions in Half, by Making a Few Small Changes to Your Study Routine”

Study strategy is just as important as learning the material when it comes to passing the CPA exams. Learn how to approach the questions and simulations in a different way that will save you time, make the study process easier, and allow you to spend less time spinning your wheels…

3 months to fail one section, then 3 months to pass all 4…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_color=”%23000000″ right_padding=”60″]The CPA exams are just as much about strategy as they are about learning mountains of information in a short amount of time.

I studied the “normal way” for my first section… for 3 months… and failed it.

Then, because I was now working full-time, I followed some of my own ideas for studying, and I ended up passing all 4 within the next 3 months.

Enter your email address and I’ll give you free access to these strategy guides for the MCQs and simulations, and the next few emails will walk you through the study approach I used.

It’s meant primarily for busy candidates who don’t have 4-5 hours of dedicated study time, but that need to pass as fast as possible.[/text_block]

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  • Master the SIMs

    This guide walks you through how to approach studying for the SIMs on the new version of the CPA exam. For example, why doing a lot of practice SIMs is NOT the best approach, and what to do instead

  • Master the MCQs

    MCQs should be the main pillar of all your study efforts. This guide walks you through how to use MCQs to learn new material the fastest, how to use MCQs to re-review material, and how MCQs are actually the key to doing well on the SIMs

  • Review Notes

    Our notes were written based on exam questions, instead of just bullet-point summaries of entire chapters. That way, you can be assured you’re always reviewing things that are most likely to show up on the exams. You’ll get access to full chapters from all 4 sections

  • Audio Notes

    Our audio notes, like the written notes, are based primarily on exam questions. They are meant for repeat listening; in just 3-4 days of regular commuting you can get through an entire section. Doing this multiple times while studying for a section reinforces what you’re studying and burns rules and concepts into your long-term memory. You’ll get access to full excepts from all 4 sections

  • SuperfastCPA MCQs

    These are the first MCQs that are fully “on-the-go-friendly”, which means that we’ve taken calculation-heavy questions and edited the numbers so that you can do them in your head. You can easily pull these MCQs out on your phone and go through MCQs anytime, anywhere without needing a calculator or scratch paper. You’ll get access to multiple sample questions from all 4 sections so you can see what they’re like

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Last step…

Just enter your best email address below and you’ll get instant access to the 3 guides and free materials.



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A word from Nate…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_color=”%23ffffff”]”The CPA exams turn can turn into an absolute nightmare for some people and eat up a year or more of your life. I was lucky enough to figure out a better way of doing them in just a few months, while working full-time, and I want to share some of my best advice in these free guides.

It doesn’t matter what review course you’re using, or what your work & life situation is – I can help you save time and pass faster.[/text_block]



Want to Pass as Fast as Possible?

(and avoid failing sections?)

Watch one of our free "Study Hacks" trainings for a free walkthrough of the SuperfastCPA study methods that have helped so many candidates pass their sections faster and avoid failing scores...