


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_color=”%234f4f4f” width=”556″]

Order Summary
Product Description Qty Amount
Includes review notes, audio notes, and MCQs for all 4 sections. Also includes the full Study Hacks course. 2 $1394.00
Includes audio notes, written notes, & MCQs for all 4 sections. 1 $627.00
Total: $2021.00

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[op_liveeditor_element][text_block]”Before Superfast CPA, I tried studying using the normal review course format but would only remember the lectures long enough to pass the review questions for each section. Needless to say I bombed my first exam.

With Superfast CPA, not only was I able to pass FAR but I was also able to retake and pass Audit just 3 weeks later. Thanks for all of your help Superfast CPA!”

-Jenny S.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]


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