
Your CPA Study Blindspot is:

Finding Time to Study

What If:

Learn all the above on our free "Study Hacks" Training...

How to Fix the "Finding Time to Study" Issue...

Make It Manageable, So That You Can Accomplish It Each Day...

Having lofty goals of studying 4-5 hours a day is great, but if you're missing multiple days a week of studying, you're just kidding yourself. Instead, shorten your main study session to 2hrs a day (on weekdays), so that you can get it done in the morning, BEFORE work. Your brain works better, you mental energy is at 100%, and you carry a feeling of accomplishment with you through the rest of your day... instead of dreading your study session in the back of your mind all day. It's also impossible to have any personal "breakthroughs" or "aha moments" about the study process itself when you're not being consistent. You'll be surprised how "good" you get at the study process when you do it every single day.

Get 2x As Much Done in HALF the Time By Being Strategic...

Spend 80% of your study time doing what you'll be doing on test day... instead of goofing around with the video lectures and wasting most of each study session. Video lectures have their place... sometimes... but there's a much faster way to cut straight to the information you need, no matter what review course you have... it's in there. Knowing how to find it is just one of the things you'll discover on our free Study Hacks training...

Build "Re-review" into Your Daily Process for Maximum Retention

Why spend hundreds of hours of time & effort studying for months on end, if you're just slowly forgetting all the stuff you've previously studied? Instead, dedicate a portion of your daily study time to going back and re-hitting all the topics you've previously studied, so that you're constantly improving your retention and understand of ALL topics. There are two simple ways to do this, and you'll learn both on our free Study Hacks training...

Learn all the above and more on our free "Study Hacks" Training...

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