
If you want to pass your CPA exams WHILE still having a life (even if you're extremely busy), this is for you...

How to Pass Your CPA Exams Quickly & Efficiently, Even If You're Busy, Tired, & Overwhelmed...

(everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, comes down to the effectiveness of your daily routine, and being strategic with your study methods, which is what you'll learn in this FREE training...)

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Getting your CPA means you will earn more every single day of your working life.

But, the study process itself is frustrating and confusing… not to mention finding the time to study, or trying to retain all the material you’ve spent so much time learning in the first place.

Passing your exams IS NOT about how many hours you’ve studied… it’s very easy to study for hundreds of hours and still fail an exam…

Being strategic and focusing on the “right things” when you study can literally get you better results, in much less time each day.

What to focus on and how to strategically navigate the study process is what you’ll learn on this free training. Sign up below:

Nate, Founder of SuperfastCPA

What You'll Learn on This Free Training:

  • The 6 “key ingredients” of strategic CPA study… when you consistently include all 6 in your study process, it’s honestly hard to fail.
  • 3 steps to rock-solid retention & understanding of the material, even if you struggle to remember topics you studied several weeks ago.
  • How to create a consistent & reliable daily study routine that fits to YOUR schedule (and takes less time each day), instead of the study process taking over your entire life outside of work.
  • How to use your review course strategically, figure out what’s most important from each lesson, and learn it in the same context you’ll see it on exam day… instead of spending most of your study time endlessly watching and re-watching video lectures (which is obviously extremely ineffective).

Training Freebies

When you register & attend the training you’ll get:

  • The training action guide
  • The slides from the training (which you’ll want)
  • A strategy mind map so you have a cohesive snapshot of how the strategies fit together

How We Can Help Make Your CPA Journey Easier...

On my first attempt at FAR, I spent 3 months studying 7-8 hours per day, trying to memorize every word in my review course... and I still failed the exam.
After that I was now working full-time, so out of necessity (and based on 3 realizations I had while taking FAR), I switched to my own study strategies. I only spent 2 hours a day with my review course on weekdays (4-6hrs on weekends), and over the next 3 months I passed all 4 exams (yes, in one 3-month period). So the same person, the same brain, same "IQ"... and I got completely different results in these two 3-month periods, simply by being strategic about how I studied, instead of just doing what my review course told me to do. This "strategic" approach is what you'll learn on this free training.
Register now so you can start getting better results today!

All of the success stories below (and from our podcast) started by watching this same training...

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